Deaf Equal Access Foundation
Hello everyone, my name is Robin Peterson, I have wonder news about our new organization in Florida. The name of the organization is D.E.A.F. – Deaf Equal Access Foundation a 501c(3) non profit organization. I am the Vice President. Who is the President, Fred Korman who has worked very hard to set up this organization in Florida., good job!! We hope to start in the Fall going forward. D.E.A.F. will provide community wide fundraising opportunities in Florida to help support OC movie theaters, venues to go that provide equal accessibility. Guess what? Interpreters will be provided for concerts, shows, museums and sporting events like football, the Dolphins, baseball the Mets. That’s wonderful!! Go and enjoy and watch skilled interpreters.
We are trying our best to lower the cost of admission tickets, group rates which we will negotiate to help us lower the cost to make it affordable for you to go. I hope you will joins. Next, I will explain our membership. Movie on 6-2-22 at 1.29 PM